Highlighting the International Association of Scientologists' journey and its dedication to social justice and human rights
Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 21st Nov 2024 - On a crisp autumn night in East Grinstead’s embrace of England saw an assembly gather as the members of the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) convened to mark a significant occasion. Their organization’s 40th year milestone celebration known as the Ruby Anniversary event was more than just an ordinary festivity, but rather a poignant moment to reminisce on their past journey and reaffirm their dedication towards impacting the world positively.
The celebrations began on October 25th in 2024 at Saint Hill, once home to L. Ron Hubbard and where he established Scientology. The atmosphere was electric, with anticipation as attendees were greeted by the tunes of Great Highland Bagpipes and a spirited drum ensemble. The ecclesiastical leader of Scientology, Mr. David Miscavige, addressing the crowd brought fervor to his marks our Ruby Anniversary.
“Tonight we celebrate our Ruby Anniversary. And, in so doing, we have arrived at a place that was unimaginable 40 years ago,” said Mr. David Miscavige, the ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion. “But here we are and what a view it is—our Churches and Missions encircling this planet, our Technologies at work in almost every land on Earth, our horizons boundless, our future infinite and we, ourselves, universal.”
The International Association of Scientologists (IAS) was established in 1984 through the efforts of a group of passionate individuals who aimed to create a collective support system and safeguard the Scientology religion. Their endeavors over time have led to triumphs in advocating for religious freedom not only for Scientologists but for individuals following all faiths. During his address Mr.Miscavige recounted accounts of key events:
As the festivities carried on into the nights, revelry and excitement grew in the air like a crescendo of anticipation for what was to come: Mr. Miscavige proudly revealed the grand achievement of opening the Paris Ideal Church and Celebrity Centre, a magnificent 8,827 square meters building nestled close to the iconic Stade de France stadium. This brand new place of worship has been buzzing with activity and vibrant energy since its opening and drew in throngs of guests during the Summer Olympics, showcasing in this way the IAS unwavering dedication to expansion and the spreading of social solutions such as drug prevention and human rights education.
The event also showcased the IAS’s efforts in helping others through the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) which has been dedicated to uncover misconduct on a global scale for years now. Mr. Miscavige recounted tales of CCHR’s influence like prompting a Royal Commission in New Zealand to look into psychiatric mistreatment and winning legal fights in Spain that shed light on the importance of monitoring psychiatric procedures and abuses.
The IAS has not been focusing only on mental health matters but has also introduced numerous worldwide charitable initiatives like The Way to Happiness and United for Human Rights along with Drug Free World campaigns with the aim of reaching out to millions of people globally to advocate moral principles and raise awareness about human rights while working towards preventing drug abuse issues on a global scale as highlighted. Mr. Miscavige mentioned during the events that the Drug Free World campaign alone has successfully distributed more than 160 million booklets, empowering communities to tackle substance abuse problems effectively.
The event ended with the presentation of the IAS Freedom Medal to commend individuals who have played a role, in promoting social justice and humanitarian causes.
As the evening came to an end Mr. Miscavige encouraged those to reflect on the fundamental principles that have propelled the success of the IAS for four decades."Forty years of achievements.. Beyond that a future even more splendid than we could have envisioned,"he stated emphatically stressing that the IAS is not merely a religious institution but a cause committed to elevating mankind.
The weekend wrapped up with the IAS Global Salvage Seminar discussing plans for the year ahead and the ongoing growth of the Churchs charitable initiatives.The dedication of IAS to making a difference in the world stays firm as they anticipate the next phase, in their long history.
On its anniversary milestone event recently held by the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) the organization looked back on its history while also paving the way for a promising future marked by aspirations, for unity and social justice advocacy.
Organization: European Office Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights
Contact Person: Ivan Arjona
Website: https://www.europeanaffairs.eu
Email: Send Email
Address:Boulevard de Waterloo 103
City: Brussels
State: Brussels
Release id:20307
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